We’ll Keep You Informed though our Mailing List
Thank you for signing up for the Dream Maker’s mailing list. From time to time Dream Maker provides news you can use as you plan and design your log home, log cabin, timber frame home or commercial building.
We also know that pictures homes from other homeowners are one of the best ways to get started in your own planning process and creating your own ideas of specific things that become “must haves” in your own dream home. Our newsletters will have links to some of our favorite homes so you can see exterior design elements as well as interior living spaces.
And there are things that you will not want to miss! You will receive announcements about the log home industry and invitations to our webinars and other events. These are all free opportunities for you to explore every aspect of building a log cabin or home from the way in which the logs are milled to the possibilities of Structurally Insulated Panels to details from the design team as you think about the log style that you may want to use.
We will also notify you about opportunities to visit the Honest Abe Log Homes mill in Moss, Tennessee, to attend a “Log Raising” to see first hand how the logs are cut and then how walls are built.
We also understand that you value your privacy and want to assure you that your contact information will only be used by Dream Maker to communicate directly with you. You have the option, of course, to unsubscribe at any time.